You can’t cancel fractional orders between 9:20-9:30 AM ET because it is too close to market open. Between 9:20-9:30 AM ET: If you placed a fractional order outside of trading hours and you want to cancel it prior to market open, you must do this before 9:20 AM ET.The order would then execute once the halt is lifted. If the order has been routed to a market center, but a trading halt goes into effect before the order executes: At that point you would not be able to cancel your fractional order.These halts are not Robinhood’s decision and the timing of them is beyond our control. If a particular security or the market overall is experiencing a trading halt, you’ll have the option to cancel pending fractional orders, but the cancel requests won’t be processed until the halt is lifted. During a trading halt: Trading on a particular security or in the market as a whole can be halted for a variety of reasons.You can’t cancel a pending fractional order: This determines the closest Fed Bank branch to the issuing bank. However, there are a few cases in which you won’t be able to cancel a pending fractional order. However, most fractional routing numbers on checks continue to display it.

Each set of numbers in a fractional routing number means something different. The process for canceling a pending fractional order is no different from the standard process for canceling a pending order. The table above states the routing number you will use for wire transfers.